Student Grievance

Lewis-Clark State College is committed to helping you be successful during your time here.  LC State provides grievance procedures for students on various issues, several are listed below with links for the process and appeal forms.  We know sometimes things happen that are beyond a discussion with a faculty member or advisor, and would like to provide with you with another avenue if you should find yourself needing more help.  If you would like to file a complaint, please fill out the form below (name and contact information is required) and allow up two (2) business days for a response.  If you would like to file an anonymous complaint click on the link below.

If a student believes he or she has received an incorrect or unfair grade, that student should contact the appropriate instructor, no later than one full semester after receiving the grade in question, to attempt to resolve the disagreement. If the student and faculty member resolve that disagreement to their mutual satisfaction, no further proceedings are necessary. If the student and faculty member are unable to resolve the disagreement to their mutual satisfaction the full appeal process can be found at: 

In the case of extenuating circumstances (such as injury, illness, or death of an immediate family member), you may appeal your suspension to the Financial Aid Office. The appeal form must be submitted with documentation detailing the circumstances that prevented you from making satisfactory academic progress, and shows how the issues have been resolved.

Appeal forms may be picked up from the Financial Aid Office, or obtained online at:

Lewis-Clark State College follows a grievance procedure for students who believe they have not been appropriately provided accommodations.  

For more information go to:

The college strives to maintain an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment and in which every member of the campus community is treated with dignity and respect.  Students may report discrimination to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

For more information regarding discrimination go to: policy 3.109.

LC State is committed to providing an environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from sexual harassment and gender discrimination.  Any individual, who believes they may have been the target of unlawful discrimination or harassment, or witnesses this type or behavior towards someone else, must feel free to report their concerns for appropriate investigation and response, without fear of retaliation. All complaints or any concerns about conduct that may violate this policy and retaliation should be filed with the Title IX Coordinator or other college official. 

For more information go to: policy 3.110.

Please note to file a grievance through the Office of Student Affairs, name and contact information will be required.  

Submit a Grievance to the Vice President for Student Affairs

Submit an Anonymous Report